Top 10 Life Changing Motivational Thoughts

Too many people are anxious to give you advice when you really need help.

“We always admire the other fellow more after, we have tried to do his job.” -William Feather 

Most people, when they came to you for advice, want their opinion strengthened, not corrected.

Advice is that which the wise don’t need and fool won’t take.

“When a man seeks your advice he generally want your praise.”

Advice to hunters: Don’t get loaded when your gun is. 

Too many people are cheerful givers only when they get a chance to hand out free advice.

It takes a great man to give sound advice tactfully, but a greater man to accept it graciously.

The best advice you’ll get is from someone who made the same mistake himself. 

No one gives advice with more enthusiasm than an ignorant person. 

Top 10 Life Changing Motivational Thoughts

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