Blue Coral Snake

The blue viper has beautiful colouring,  but don't let that mislead you, coming into contact with this unusual member of the Elapidae family can be deadly.

Puff Adder

However seeing as how it’s literally responsible for the most snakebite  fatalities in Africa, We advise you not to take a chance.

Water Moccasin

What's most interesting in this case is that this unique snake is the only semiaquatic snake that has ever existed. It is therefore capable of both living and hunting on land and in water.


All of us are pretty familiar with the anaconda thanks to Hollywood movies. Additionally, the anaconda wraps victims around the middle and compresses until it has completely crushed it.


One of the most well-known venomous snakes in the world, the Jararaca, is found in southeast Brazil. between  1902 and 1945.

Black Mamba

Each bite from a black mamba contains enormous amounts of neurotoxic, and they have the incredible capacity to strike 12 times in a row. A bite almost always results in death, which can happen in as little as 15 minutes.

Saw Scaled Viper

India, China, and Asia are home to scaled vipers. Saw Scaled Vipers are nocturnal  and incredibly quick. Your first ordeal will  be immediate pain, swelling, and bleeding from the mouth.

Indian Cobra

In India, there is a family of snakes known as the "Big Four" that are  poisonous. The paralysis you experience after being bitten might cause respiratory failure or even a heart attack.


It's possible that you have heard of the rattlesnake, which is a snake species  that is well-known for being a Killing Machines.Fun?

Desert Horned Viper

Desert Horned Viper This creature has horns over its eyes, living up to its name.

Sharp-Nosed Pit Viper

Although they have a weird look, Sharp-Nosed Pit Vipers are extremely lethal.  A bite can cause severe local pain and bleeding, but fortunately there is  antivenom available.